Friday, June 16, 2023

Save Keauhou   
Acrylic 12 x 16 on archival linen


Monday, June 5, 2023

Memory of a Sheltering Tree at Ke Ala Kahawai O Waimea
Acrylic 12 x 16 on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

 This favorite place will one day bloom again - it is having a low point just now and I stood there by the dry stream and dead tree and painted a memory. I'm honored that my painting was chosen to be on the 2024 tee-shirt for Waimea Trails and Greenways. (which seems to have fallen through, but fun anyway) Loved seeing so many old and new friends along the trail while painting! So grateful to the friends that helped me lug my gear to this out of the way spot and modeled for the dog walkers! (Lori and Ralph!) The figures at the stream crossing represent myself and my grandson. We have spent many happy times floating leaf boats there.

Sadly the property owner outside the stream-side trail easement saw fit to bulldoze the trees, knocking them into a mess almost in the stream itself, and the place is a sad remnant for the moment. I'm sure it will someday be restored but for the moment this is all I could do.

Stream-side June 2023

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Kaloko Palms
Acrylic on Gessobord
16 x 12
free shipping in the United States

This location is reached on an unpaved mostly rock road that winds through the lava fields from the highway to the Kona shoreline. The fishponds are extensive and beautiful, so in this painting the ocean does not actually show, but it is just to the left of the picture. My little car just barely makes it in over the lava, and then I am in a world of sunlight, ocean, shorebirds, and palm trees. It is one of my very favorite places to paint.


Honoli'i Behind the lifeguard Shack
10.25 x 14.25
Acrylic on watercolor paper

If you climb down the winding staircase to the Honoli'i Beach Park, your first inclination (unless you are a surfer)  is to wander to the river and look up at the highway bridge far above.  However, there are other secret spots - this is behind the lifeguard shack looking towards Hilo.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Link to Jane Taylor's New Website 

I am pleased to offer a new website that includes purchase options and even a few prints. (I mostly do not offer reproductions, but the three below are available on the website in various print-on-demand sizes.) Click on the link above to explore the site. I will be adding more pictures on a regular basis. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Low Tide at Honaunau  
Acrylic 12 x 16 on ready-to-hang
Gallery Wrapped Canvas
Available $440
Please e-mail to arrange

Although I've been many times to the National Park at Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau, this time was different. The tide was lower than I've ever caught it there and I was able to walk way out on the lava flow outside of the great wall, a space that has for me only been waves and foam before. The ocean was breathing in and out of the tide pools and the Kolea (Pacific Golden Plover) and ʻAkekeke (Ruddy Turnstone) had flown in to enjoy the feast. I lingered on the rocks for a long time, drawing and pondering the aliveness, before retreating to the shade to paint. The massiveness of the shoreline came home to me in a way it has not before. To arrive there seeking refuge must have been daunting! Now it is peaceful and lovely, a place of serenity for the moment. The link below explains the cultural aspects better than I could.


Wednesday, March 22, 2023

The Day Clears at Wawaloli
Acrylic on linen board 11 x 14


As I was driving from  Waimea to paint at the beach near the Natural Energy Lab in Kona, Hualalai took on mythic proportions  against the voggy morning sky. I parked and braved whizzing trucks to photograph the mountain I knew would soon vanish. 

Sure enough, by the time I was set up to paint "plein air" at the beach, there were only clouds.  The place is quite real but I admit to having removed rather a lot of cars and people! 

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Spring Coffee
Acrylic on Arches Watercolor Paper
10 x 14


This painting was begun on location at a lovely organic coffee farm in South Kona. The day was warm and balmy and the coffee blossoms were fragrant and full of happy bees. I added the donkey. You will have to zoom way in to find him. The coastline is fairly accurate - this is based on a real place, but I moved some rocks and trees and bushes around...


Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Hale Kūola   Acrylic on linen 11x14

 (Kūola means Alive and safe, as after escaping from danger)

 There were a lot of un-homed people living here. In the past they were all crowded around the public bathroom and the atmosphere then was sad and hostile. Visitors were uncomfortable and the campers were clearly unhappy. Then this last time when I visited this beach that I remember from my childhood, they had moved all their tents across the road and under the tree with shade and a nice ocean spot. The same people were friendly and open.  They were not in any way inhibiting visitor use of the beach. 30 feet made all the difference. I hope they are allowed to stay, and that we might learn something as a society. I am sure the problems associated with homelessness did not go away, but I am equally sure that they became less awful for both visitors to the beach and those who had no where else to go. Just a thought.

The painting is available. $320. email

Friday, January 27, 2023

Winter Surf in North Kohala
Acrylic 12 x 16 on archival linen board
Available $500
Please email


Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Kiholo - Forces of Nature
Acrylic on Linen Panel
12 x 16
available $440 
please email

That bench of lava across the bay was a Mauna Loa flow in 1859.  This painting was begun on location on December 9, 2022, during another Mauna Loa eruption. We'd been seeing the glow from home, but the sight of this lava was especially noteworthy - it seemed impossibly far from the vent, but we know it isn't.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Visitors at
Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau
Acrylic on linen 16 x 12 

These are 'Akeke or Ruddy Turnstones and the tree is a Kiawe Tree. Each seeks refuge in its own way.